Trump Will Surrender At Georgia Jail Thursday — Then’s What To Anticipate As He May Get First Mug Shot

Former President Donald Trump | Google Images



When will Trump surrender? Trump verified on Truth Social he intends to go to Georgia on Thursday to surrender himself; he and the otherco-defendants in the case are needed to surrender to authorities by noon on Friday, August 25. 


Where will it take place? Trump will be reserved at the Fulton County jail on Rice Street, which is known for having particularly poor conditions, with the Justice Department launching a civil rights disquisition into the installation in July. 


What will be formerly he turns himself in? The terms of Trump’s rendition are reportedly still being negotiated; generally defendants who get reserved at the jail are searched, suffer a medical webbing, get fingerprinted and a mug shot, though CNN notes it’s still unclear if Trump and other high- profile defendants in the case would have to suffer the same process. 


Will he get a mug shot? The Fulton County sheriff has suggested Trump will get a mug shot as other defendants at the captivity do, saying he'd follow “ normal practices ” unless told else, though the Guardian reports Trump’s mug shot — both whether one will be taken and if it'll get released are still being negotiated, with Trump’s legal platoon reportedly opposing him being mugged. 


Will he need to post bond? Trump agreed Monday to post$ 200,000 as a condition of his release, including$ 80,000 for wrongdoing and$ 10,000 for each of his other 12 counts. 


Will he be held in guardianship? Trump isn't anticipated to be held, especially since he negotiated a bond deal that bars him from hanging substantiations or communicating with the other defendants about the case however in the history, Trump has transferred dispatches censuring people involved with the disquisition. 


Will he appear in court? People reserved in Fulton County generally have to appear before a justice judge within 72 hours, but attorneys told CNN it’s likely Trump and hisco-defendants wo n’t have original court appearances at all — because they ’ve formerly been criminated and will substantially probably have negotiated their bond ahead of time and defendants could also appear nearly for their impeachments or have them waived altogether, making it uncertain when Trump will actually appear in a courtroom in the case.


When will the case go to trial? That’s still unclear however Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has suggested the trial should start on March 4, 2024, legal experts believe it’s doubtful the complex 19- defendant case would go to trial that soon. 





13. That’s the number of state charges against Trump in Fulton County, including for wrongdoing( known as RICO charges), supplication of violation of pledge by a public officer, conspiracy to commit impersonating a public officer, conspiracy to commit phony in the first degree, false statements and jottings, conspiracy to commit false statements and jottings, filing false documents and conspiracy to commit form false documents. Each felony charge carries a implicit captivity judgment if condemned — ranging from one to 20 times, depending on the count — and most could also or rather be punishable by a forfeiture. 

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Trump has explosively opposed the charges against him and maintained his innocence, writing on Truth Social Monday the disquisition is a “ WITCH Quest ” and claiming the examinations against him are “ ELECTION INTERFERENCE ” to damage his 2024 crusade. 



still, it'll be delicate for him to admit a amnesty — at least anytime soon, If Trump’s condemned. Georgia state law doesn't allow governors to pardon condemned felons, but rather entrusts that power to an independent board. It’s also not possible to apply for a amnesty until at least five times after a person’s judgment has been completed. 



Trump is anticipated to try and move the case to civil court — as his former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows has formerly requested — arguing his conduct after the election were part of his sanctioned duties as chairman. Civil officers can remove state cases to civil court for anything “ for or relating to any act under color of similar office. ” If the charges were to get moved to civil court, it could make it more likely the case against Trump could be dropped, because it would bolster Trump’s argument that he has presidential “ impunity. ” Legal experts are extensively skeptical the scheme will work, still, and if Trump is tried in civil court but still condemned, he still would n’t be suitable to get a civil amnesty. 




Trump was criminated in Georgia last week along with 18 otherco-defendants as part of Willis ’ wide- ranging disquisition into the fate of the 2020 election, which first started in February 2021. Other defendants charged in the case include Meadows and attorneys Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Kenneth Chesebro, Jenna Ellis and Jeffrey Clark. The charge accuses the defendants of constituting a felonious enterprise conspiring to unlawfully lessen the election results, including through a “ fake selector ” scheme transferring false slates of pickers to Congress, allegedly violating election outfit and obliging state lawmakers and state officers to reject the results, similar as Trump’s call with Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger in which he encouraged the clerk to “ find ” enough votes to capsize President Joe Biden’s palm. The Fulton County charges mark Trump’s fourth charge following charges in Manhattan and by the Justice Department in two examinations, putting the former chairman in legal pitfall as he faces the possibility of hundreds of times in captivity rulings and millions of bones in forfeitures if condemned.

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